Jane Katra, Ph.D.
Audio Recordings

~ Grief as a Portal to Higher Consciousness ~
Signs of Life Radio ~ September 9, 2015

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Developing Healing Power: Awakening Higher Vibration ~ IANDS 2011, Durham, NC

The Science of Consciousness from India tells us that humans are incomplete, we do not die, and that we’re here to evolve as fields of conscious awareness advancing in complexity, capacities, and energetic power. Neuroscience gives corroborating evidence for the neuroplasticity of our brains, demonstrating changes in neuron density correlated with changes in a person’s environment as well as with willful changes in the content of ones mind. Parapsychological research and quantum physics give evidence for our capacity for psychic functioning and our nonlocal (nonphysical) nature. Many NDErs discover they have developed capacities for telepathic communication, precognition, and energy healing, as well as a shift in values towards resonance, cooperation, sharing, and helping. NDErs have directly experienced a state of conscious awareness of being connected to all forms of life. NDErs’ shift in values towards sensing BEING coherently connected, and feeling the connection’s blissful higher vibrational state accompanied by enhanced psychic sensitivity and capacity for radiating healing energy, demonstrate qualities of a more advanced species of human.

The Amplitude of Illumination ~ IANDS 2010, Denver, CO

The development of the human being is the passing from one state of consciousness to another, sequentially and in stages, through a series of shifting values: Instinctual, emotional, intellectual, and conscious evolution: intentional action for transformation from one level of being to another.

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